Location: Cocoa Riverfront Park
Address: 401 Riveredge Boulevard Cocoa, FL 32922
Price: $12 - $200
Category: Festival
Family Friendly Cocoa Mardi Gras w/ City Wide Parade. Gates Open at 5pm KIDS 12 and Under are FREE. Parade Starts at 7:30p
2024 COCOA MARDI GRAS feat. Ripe
w / FOX ROYALE & Buckwheat Zydeco Jr. and The Legendary iLs Sont Partis Band Live Street Performers
Come enjoy a family-friendly Wide Parade with floats from around the county to ring in the Mardi Gras theme. It's a 31-year tradition in Cocoa Village. Street Performers and Cajun Food for the whole Family.
5 pm show start: 5:00p-9:00p The Porch Dogs Live Zydeco Gazeebo Stage, 6p-7:30p Buckwheat Zydeco Jr. and The Legendary iLs Sont Partis Band - Creole speaking music from SouthWest Louisiana on Riverfront Main Stage 7:30p-8:30p City Wide Parade, 8-8:45p FOX ROYALE, 9:15p Ripe Riverfront Main Stage
Kids 12 and under are FREE, No Pets please
VIP ONLY $30 w/ Private A/C Bathrooms, 2 hr Open Bar 5p-7p, Re-Entry allowed
Brought to you by Deuterman Productions
Use the share tools on this event page to let your friends know where you will be. Please Print a PDF ticket for entry into the event, or your phone or email can also work. No Refund Event. Rain or Shine Event. No coolers & NO RE-ENTRY w/ out a VIP wristband